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  • If you use one of the links/codes below, I’ll pass on the affiliate commission to you, to help discount the product further. It’s usually about 10%

  • I’ll mark each product link as ‘Affiliate’ or ‘Non-affiliate’

  • Email [email protected] with a receipt and your paypal email address after you purchase

  • We’ll round up and send payments at the end of each. month

Mental Wellness


  • Kanna, also known as Sceletium tortuosum, is a plant extract used traditionally in South Africa for mood elevation, stress reduction, social cohesion, and focus

  • Contains psychoactive alkaloids — mesembrine, mesembrenone, mesembrenol — that interact with the serotonin system

  • Been clinically shown to positively affect cognitive flexibility, which is a form of neuroplasticity

  • Serotonin modulation is often linked to neuroplasticity as well

  • Huberman mentioned it on his Gratitude episode as a potential way to boost a Gratitude practice / prosocial networks in the brain

  • Ka! Empathogenics is the best source for Kanna

    • Code ‘Human3’ for 10% off

    • Affiliate


  • NeuralRX is essentially a longevity stack for your brain — it upregulates ATP in the brain, reduces inflammation, and increases neuroplasticity + neurogenesis

  • It’s formulated for brain health, but I’ve seen it work wonders for people close to me experiencing depression

  • It’s not cheap (about $100/month), but it really pushes the needle

    • Caveats: you have to store it in the dark, it’s an MCT oil so the bottle can get messy, and you have to slowly build up the dose so it doesn’t upset your stomach

  • Ian Mitchell, the founder & formulator, is an absolutely brilliant polymath chemist. Here’s a pod episode with him to learn more.

  • NeuralRX →

    • Code ‘Human3’ gets you 20% off

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Lion’s Mane

EPA Fish Oil (1g/day) for Depression

Creatine Monohydrate (1g-5g/day) for Depression

  • Creatine monohydrate (1g - 5g per day) can improve mood and symptoms of major depression.

  • Note: shown to increase mania in people who are already in manic state of bipolar.

  • Thorne Creatine is a trusted source

    • Non-Affiliate

Ashwagandha for Stress/Anxiety

  • Known to lower anxiety, stress, cortisol.

  • Shown to reduce cortisol 14.5% - 27.9% in clinical study.

  • Best used in times of stress, not taken on a regular basis.  

  • Nootropics Depot uses KSM-66 Ashwagandha, a standardized extract that has clinical studies backing it

    • Affiliate


  • Magnesium Bisglycinate (200mg)

  • Apigenin (50mg)

  • L-Theanine

  • Yin Sleep - Complete formula for Deep Sleep + REM Sleep →



  • Ceremonial Cacao is a drink that opens your heart with theobromine. It’s stimulating and dopamine-increasing (from PEA), but without engaging the left-brain too much like Coffee

  • You feel like creating, but you don’t get the feeling that you need to focus and hammer through things like you do with Coffee. Coffee feels very linear when used with the creative process

  • I use ORA Cacao — I add 10 chips and blend it with a tsp of coconut oil + cinnamon + C60.

    • (10% off with above link)

    • Affiliate


  • C60 is a nobel-prize winning material that’s been shown to have profound effects on the human body

  • C60, when bound to MCT oil, reaches the brain

  • It’s been shown to induce neural outgrowth — suggesting neuroplasticity and neurogenesis

  • Reduces brain inflammation and increases ATP in the brain

  • I blend it with my cacao in the morning — it’s a beautiful combination for writing music

  • Ian Mitchell, the founder & formulator, is an absolutely brilliant polymath chemist. Here’s a pod episode with him to learn more.

  • C60 MCT Oil from Wizard Sciences 

    • Code ‘Human3’ for 20% Off

    • Affiliate


  • Induces Alpha brainwave states, reduces stress/anxiety

  • Sports Research is a brand that uses Suntheanine, a patented form of L-Theanine that’s been clinically studied

    • Non-affiliate


  • I love this 2mg THC + 2mg CBD drink for creating in the evenings — it’s a subtle lift & expansion

  • Legal to buy online because it’s Hemp-derived!


    • Code ‘Human3’ for 20% Off

    • Affiliate

LSD + Psilocybin + Ketamine

  • Microdosing is an obvious and powerful use of these substances to assist with creative flow

    • I use Mycology Psychology’s blends — it’s a bit pricier than DIY, but it’s really potent and clean. (non-affiliate)

    • I buy their 200mg blends, and then split them into my own capsules at 100mg each. It works out to $3.16/dose

  • Mini-dosing: ¼ or 1/3 of standard dose gives you a mild psychedelic experience, that allows you to stay rooted enough to ground and execute your creative ideas

  • Full-dosing: best for pure stream of consciousness expression, to edit later — leave an open canvas, journal, or voice memo going to capture any ideas that come through

  • At-home Ketamine

    • Joyous

    • Mindbloom

    • BetterU


Apollo Neuro

  • A wearable that positively affects HRV with vibrations for the nervous system

  • Apollo Neuro

    • Affiliate


  • Clinical-grade at-home neurofeedback


    • Non-affiliate

HeartMath Inner Balance Trainer

  • A biofeedback device that trains HRV & Heart Coherence

  • Studies have shown improvements in emotional volatility, anxiety & depression, anger

  • HeartMath

    • Non-affiliate


The essential read when starting a creative practice, or when you need a kick in the ass.

If you’re simply not doing the work to create, giving excuses and bullshit - you need to read this.

A quick read that gets the point across succinctly with beautiful prose.

A beautiful account of the magical elements of creativity.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s insights will help clue you into the essence of creativity as a spiritual practice — one to fall in love with, appreciate, and honor.

(rather than dread and slog your way through).

The Tao te Ching of Creativity.

78 reflections from Rick Rubin on creating the best art possible.

Open to any page, as an oracle deck, and get practical insights on creating your best work.

Considered by many to be an essential read. Beyond the two core practices — Morning Pages and Artist Dates — there’s power in the writing itself and Cameron’s reflections.

Following through with the schedule of the program can also keep you on track with commitment to your development as an artist.

An engaging, beautifully executed guide on developing your own voice and style as an artist.

I found Questlove’s insights on the creative process interesting and unique, considering his background as a musician and seasoned curator/DJ. I specifically loved the insight he brought to the power and art of curation.